Labour migration and integration

Labour migration is a way to promote the availability of skilled labour, the growth and internationalisation of companies as well as research, development and innovation activities. Finland's integration policy aims to meet the needs of people who have moved here for various reasons as well as the needs of a society that is becoming increasingly diversified.  The needs of the immigrant population will be taken into account in organisation of all public services and in separate integration measures and services. 

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is responsible for the policy, legislation and administration of issues related to immigration of workers, entrepreneurs, students, researchers and trainees. The Ministry is also responsible for the general development, foresight, planning and management of integration policies, legislation and services.

  • Integration of immigrants »

    Integration is a continuous two-way process in which society is changing as the population is becoming more diverse and immigrants acquire knowledge and skills that they need in society and working life.

  • International expertise and labour »

    The immigration of skilled labour into Finland will help to put Finnish innovation on a stronger and more international footing, and will attract international investment to Finland. This in turn will create new jobs.